Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 5 Media Memoir responses

I''ve read the media memoirs that were presented in class, and those that have been posted on this blog. I'm posting a list of main ideas that I pulled from the paragraphs submitted as they occurred to me.  You may see repeated themes or concepts which I hope you'll consider as we continue to move through this discourse and examine our own media consumptions and production patterns. I thought it might be interesting to see them all lumped together like this.
Those that are posted elsewhere on the Blog, i'll post as a comment there, and copy paste below here when I'm done.

limits, parents, limited, specific cinematic diet, choice, distinct, specific, influence, developing, expanding, humor

limits, literacy, strong opinion, active, sing, dance, play, preference, reading, priority, enjoyment, unexamined, moderation, formative, socialization.

developing, changing, shifting, documentary, technology, active, interactive, vs. passive, different demographics, cinema consumption, limits, maturity, preference, gossip, news, local focus, control, urgency, priorities, limits, choices, regulation, exposure, moderation, appreciation.

addiction, limits, conditions, priorities, influence, identify, identity, formative, escape, cultural identity, trappings, interpretation, energize, activate, inspire, perception, individual, interpretation, power.

wholesome, countercultural, music, no TV, limits, educational, nurturing, literate, formative, perspective, choice(s), enlightened.

entertainment, difference, limits, use, education, identification, formative, transcendent, emotional, disconnect, epiphany, counter-cultural, class, art, activism, use, change, system,

influence, affected, losing sleep, parents, fantasy, singing, memory, rare treat / value, media as babysitter, occupation / pre-occupation, exposure, energy, ambivalence.

(this list is a little beyond main ideas, and more plucked out 'power words.' your memoir has so many charged terms, i just culled them as they struck me and listed here out of the context) here goes...brilliant by the way.
fascist, regime, silenced, media, protest, graffiti, slogans, political, revolution, reform, leftist, entertainment, art, rally, appreciation, art, influence, street, mix, expression, staged, silenced, assemble, forms, lines, shapes, depths, textures, lights, shadows, challenge, content, message, parents, allow, appliance, censor, dictate, theatrical, storytelling, mimic, curriculum, learn, singing, meaning, super-heroes, humor, culture, history, learned by ear, inside/interior, together.

dominant genre / channel, age, computer games, intuitive, interactive, develop, own tastes, music, rebellion, discovery, influence, develop, follow, interest, experimentation, inspiration, instill emotions, variety.

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