Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Burlington College said...

Sept. 4, Thursday

7:00 am - tuned in to NPR/VPR to listen to news and weather.

7:30 - browsed Huffington Post for the latest headline

8:00 - Switched to CNN/MSNBC

9 am - At work, browsed through the internet to research for universities and colleges utilizing Content Management System (CMS).

9:15 Researched about Drupal,

9:20 Logged into the following websites to investigate examples of Drupal ( Amherst College (, NECI, ( Washington University:, University of Michigan: and Univ. of California in Berkeley (

10 am: Streaming Video:
A quick investigation of Drupal set-up at Downloaded bonus of exercise files. I had a quick look at about the set up by opening the online streaming video.

Posted by Delia Crosby

leah said...

700am woke up at parents watched 3 mins of news and had to turn off
745am looked at front page of BFP(a joke in my mind)
915am checked e-mail then started to read Women and Gender

leah said...

8am:read about the "lipstick"comment obama made on the news thing that pops up by my e-mail
815isham:checked e-mail
530:"watched"friends while working out with headphones on
8pm: read f. Douglass bio chapters 1-4
same night I've been reading a book Women and Gender